Ultrasound Checkup

After doing the whole body scan, I went out and had a cheese burger and fries. Over the next three days, I gained back all the weight that I had lost. (It was worth it).

Cheeseburger and fries
Cheeseburger and fries

The day after the body scan, my blood was drawn for testing. I had forgotten to come in for the blood work on Monday, the day before first injection, as the doctor wanted to see the thyroid levels in my body before going through the procedure. Oops.

After a week or so, I got a phone call telling me that I needed to schedule an ultrasound as the doctor saw that a node/lump/thing (I don’t have my medical record for the actual term) was getting bigger, indicating possible cancer…again. If the ultrasound showed that the area could be cancer, the next step was another biopsy and then surgery, if the result tested positive for cancer.

Naturally, I wasn’t happy about this and later called my insurance to see if I would have another choice of surgeon if I had thyroid cancer had returned.

I scheduled the ultrasound appointment and when the time came, went in for it. The jelly they coated my throat was warm. I used lots of tissues to remove it when the technician was done. I always miss a spot, usually below an ear. The jelly doesn’t feel as nice when the jelly is cold.

A week or two later, I got another call from my doctor. I was told that the lump/tissue thing was stable, so no biopsy was needed right now. I was told to book another ultrasound appointment in 6-7 months to check on it again.

At this point, I’d rather have them take it out now, so it doesn’t have a chance to grow bigger or into cancer. Also, I’d rather a surgeon cut a different opening to remove that tissue than the same spot in front of my throat. The scar in the front of my throat is slowly disappearing. I don’t want to make the tissue weaker or cause a permanent scar.

My adventure continues…

Author: Katherine

A mother and wife dealing with cancer, now in complete remission.